Parallel Fractal
Carbon demo source code and
CodeWarrior Pro 6 project files (228 kB) -
A Carbonized version of the Parallel Fractal Demo, a numerically-intensive parallel
graphics application,
that uses the MacMPI_X.c library for
communcations and requires MacOS 8.5 or later
with CarbonLib 1.0.4 or later.
This source is released under the
Gnu General Public License.
This code is meant as a tool for helping people experiment with and learn
parallel programming. You may try different parallelization
techniques or substitute different computational routines, if you wish.
To run this demo on a single Mac running OS 9 or X, no additional software is necessary.
Note: The name of this program has been depcrecated.
As a Universal Application, its new name is
Parallel Fractal GPL,
where you will be redirected in 60 seconds.